Progress: forward or onward movement toward a destination
I haven't had much of a chance the last couple of weeks to put as much time into the repurposed linens quilt as I would like.
We have two kids taking college classes this year. They both started their school year last week. One is finishing university and the other, high school.
Our youngest is turning 14 soon and transitioning into 9th grade.
We've finally been able to put our parenting philosophy into words: The journey IS the destination. Right now, I'm sort of flying along the road less travelled of still raising kids full time.
The youngest two started soccer a couple of weeks ago, and while it's awesome to have one drive to practices and class, it seems I've had less "me" time on my hands. To read. To clean. To work in the yard. To sew. To make "progress" on so many things I want to do.
My onward movement is to help my kids navigate their school years forward into adulthood.
I've been doing it for over twenty-one years now, and I know that these next 4-5 years will most times...go very fast.
So I keep parenting them. Grocery shopping. Cooking. Laundry. Dishes. Sweeping. Scheduling appointments. Shuttling hither and yon. Nursing injuries and adolescent angsts. Teaching. Lecturing. Nagging...loving.
And I sit. When I can. When I have time. When I'm yet again waiting on someone else to be ready.
And I add another block to the growing pile.
I fiddle. Rearrange. Squint. Rearrange.
I fiddle. Rearrange. Squint. Rearrange.
And when I hear, "Mom! I'm ready!", I turn off the iron, hit the light switch and shut the sewing machine down.
And the journey, once again, is full speed ahead.
Find me here.