Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hitting the "Pause" on my life's remote

What am I doing instead of depiling the stack of stuff on the dining room buffet?
What is the pile of laundry doing still sitting in the hallway?
Why aren't the dishes put away?
How's come there are still toys on the floor and groceries to be bought?
What do you mean you haven't been fed yet this morning kitty kat?

I'm stealing a few moments of peace and quiet before the storm.  Recharging my batteries for the day.  Storing up the sunshine of quiltey pictures on flickr.
Soaking up beautiful words from bloggy friends.
Breathing in.
Breathing out.
Listening to the clock tick-tock.  Tick-tock.
The refrigerator running.
Birds chirping outside.
Feeling my heartbeat slow and steady.
For the moment.

Thank you all for how you have gifted me with laughter and sunshine.  Inspiration and hope.  Encouragement and a pat on the back.  This is a sheltering place, blogland.  It is the people, quilters, who make it such a lovely place to spend some quiet moments.
A happy place.


  1. Amen to that~we're doing the same thing this early morning, I'm listening to the pheasants' call and the coffee drip. . .Hugs!

  2. Great post - so important to take a breath now and then! And thank you for all that you've given back, Dee!

  3. I love getting up before everyone else in the house and enjoying my quiet time. And thank YOU for all the encouragement, inspiration, friendship, and hope!

  4. go on...keep soaking in all the peace and quiet!!

  5. Thanks for your encouragement and for reminding me there are things that can wait, for a moment or two.

  6. You know we feel the same way about you !
    I usually sleep in, but this morning hubby woke me with a face full of kisses when he got up at 6 a.m., so Piper and I got up, and hubby, Piper and I all sat out in the backyard with a little coffee can burning twigs to make smoke, keeping the mosquitos at bay, for a couple of hours. We just talked and sat and listened to the world wake up, the birds singing, the mowers starting. It was a beautiful, peaceful, restorative time with the man I love .
    I am blessed and you are a blessing !

  7. Sometimes you just have to recharge and get some inspiration! You do the same for all of us!

  8. Dee---you are wonderful! May you celebrate the life force all around you and underneath your feet. Thanks for always being YOU!

    Here comes a hug your way.


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