Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Each one is so precious and one that we can never get back.
Potential memories of good and happy things...or eternal "what ifs" that haunt us forever.
Time to share with a stranger, or with someone we love and cherish.
A moment taken out of our lives to repay a kindness or pay one forward.
60 seconds to be thankful.
60 seconds to think before we say or do something we might regret the rest of our lives.
Most hugs don't last that long...but they should.
"I love you" only requires 1/20 of a moment to say.

Last night we learned of the death of our co-op's president and Middlest's teacher for Greek/Latin root words.

She'd been struggling with the flu, but when I talked to her Monday, she looked beautiful and bouncy.  Full of her usual energy and zest for life.
Yesterday, she laid down to take a nap.
Her husband went in to wake her, and couldn't.

We will miss her.

So, in memory of her and all of those moments with loved ones and strangers we were meant to reach out to, and didn't...take 60 seconds and touch someone else's life.
Make eye contact.
Say "Thank you."
Hug a little longer.
Hold a little tighter.
Breathe a little deeper.
Relax your shoulders, unclench your hands and just "Be".
And dream.

And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace, and laugh on glory's side, and
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live!
Chris Rice "Untitled Hymn"


  1. Dee, so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Thank you for the reminder to not take those I love for granted.

  2. Dee, I am sorry to hear of the passing of your friend. So sad. I appreciate the reminder to take the time to hug our loved ones and reach out to others. Very well said.

  3. Wow, Dee, that's shocking !
    I am so sorry , and will remember her family in my prayers tonight.

  4. I'm so sorry about your friend Dee! And thank-you for your reminders.

  5. such sad news. i am sorry for your loss. thanks for this important reminder

  6. That is such sad, very sad news :( I am so sorry Dee. I will be praying for their family. HUGS!

  7. So sorry to hear about that, I guess you really don't know what could happen and when...
    I love how you wrote the reminders, perfect!


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