Monday, August 17, 2009

Thinking About Next Week...

Monday...our last full week of summer vacation. I love having my boys home for break! Attitudes are a little gruff towards the middle of August as we wind donw our summer activities...but I'm so blessed to be able to spend this time with them. It truly will never come again.

As we get ready to send our oldest off for his senior year, this is a huge time of reflection and planning. I'ld like to make him a scrapbook for his childhood to have as he starts his life as a college student. And then to share with whatever lucky girl he meets and begins their own family with. Looking back at his life until now...looking forward to his life as he continues on after high school.

This is our middle son. We have chosen to homeschool him for a number of different reasons. It was such a good decision. None of us have regrets. This is where the planning comes in. I didn't stress about this year like I did last year, and I'm told that's normal. Thank you, Lord I get that label at least once here! LOL We've seen lots of progress with him this last year and we just know that as we go through joining a homeschool co-op and all the other opportunities we have homeschooling him, this is exactly where we all need to be.

Margaret Thatcher said that 'You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.' And I believe that's more true in parenting than anywhere else. We only get one shot at this with our children. Being their advocates, their safety and security net...while at the same time challenging them and pushing them when they need to grow. One of my favorite verses is 'Let us not become weary in doing good (which to me is a battle we all must fight), for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.' Taking on daily challengs, or battles, can become tiring. 'Have you brushed your teeth? Put on deodorant? Put your dirty clothes in the hamper?' are funny battle cries...but helping them win the war, finish the race and hear 'Well done thou good and faithful servant' is a harvest that is worth it all!

I'm so blessed to be a mom...and even more so that I've had this time at home with them.

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