Sunday, September 20, 2009

On the Subject of Carrots

If you want to get a stubborn mule or donkey to move, you rig up a stick with a string dangling a carrot in front of them just out of their reach. Far enough away from their noses so that they have to keep moving to try and "catch up" with the carrot in order to take a bite...or so the story goes.

Well, let me tell Mom is rigging up a stick and dangling Youth Group out in front of her men.  LOL 

The stomach flu hit our house the latter part of the week.  I've been sick since Wednesday.  Littlest woke up with a headache and sore stomach this morning.  What does this have to do with mules, donkeys, carrots and Youth Group you ask?

There are no clean dishes in the house.  People are out of clean underwear.  The kitty litter box needs changed (desperately!), floors need swept, water bottles need replenished, shirts need ironed, toys need picked up...and the list continues.

So, my two healthy donkeys (I've previously mentioned mules before, but they were offended, so I thought I'd go with something cuter?) have a list of things to do (moving the cart) or there will be no Youth Group tonight (the carrot).  Both enjoy this time out with friends playing games, socializing, and hearing cooler than what we listen to at home music.

Hopefully...this is how our day will end.  The "to do" list done, a happier Mommy, and two little donkeys who get to go to Youth Group!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dee!

    It's Jenn from JellyBean Stitches. I couldn't find an email to contact you about a mini quilt swap - so if you can, just email me: :) Thanks!

    Love your blog!


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